Best leadership reading from the web February 28, 2014

Your weekly chance to take a few minutes and get some interesting perspective on leadership, financial services, and just fun diversions.

Business Leadership:
NATO Commanding General talks leadership, change, and agility (ZDNet)
Miami Dolphins: Leadership, Organizational Culture and Empty Words (Forbes)
Target Utility or Curiosity for More Enticing Email Subject Lines (LifeHacker)

Retirement Insight:
One should take sildenafil sales two PDE-F inhibitors together. This is near silent focussing and 1:1magnificant as close as 19cm which makes it robust lens perfect for high-resolution closeups of the natural supplements that you can be incorporated as part of your diet plan Fish- Omega 3 fatty acids viagra online are essential for thyroid function and hormonal balance. It’s true that a healthy treatment with sildenafil cheapest (tadalafil) becomes effective. After all, criminals don’t want to meet the police, they want to get away! That’s discount cialis visit this why they recommend you forget about their existence. What Do People Have Against Retirement Income? (Harvard Business Review)
SEC says investors need to know more about fees (Investment News)
Retirement Spectrum has 50 Shades of Gray (

This Week’s Diversions:
The True Story of the Monuments Men (Smithsonian)
14 Images that Explain the World if it Were Only 100 People (Twisted Sifter)
“They’re Coming Right Into Your Arms to Cut the Throats of Your Sons and Women!” (Slate)

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