A December to remember can cut both ways, look at this debt to GDP comparison and you can see why it may not be the memory you want.
S&P 500 reflects the positives overwhelming negatives as the dip from Covid-19 is erased and then some, fueled by Federal spending.
Investor sentiment pushes market greed metric into uncharted territory just as we head into a gloomy winter.
With PE vs. Long Term Earnings historically out of whack, what direction will it go?
It’s easy to see what the market trajectory has been, but what will it be?
Market bubble, or not? Small businesses drive employment, and 2020 has seen a decline of 19.1% in open small businesses. Some will return, surely, but not all.
The race is on, and Covid related spending is going to be a big part of it. What are the long-term repercussions from spending like this?
Conventional wisdom, the Buffett Indicator puts us roughly where we were in 2000. Eerily similar, we’d say, with tech stocks driving the market.