Retirement, stay focused

Then a quick leadership tip and a bunch of fun things to end your week

Retirement, retirement, retirement, don’t lose focus:
It is an old story, but really underappreciated. Your success in retirement has a lot to do with your timing. Two stories on the same idea, really, read them both. (register for investment news, it’s free and it’s worth it for articles like these) Why security in retirement is often luck of the draw and Secrets for successful withdrawal strategies in retirement
The President did not talk much about retirement during the State of the Union, but he did do some pre-work that got people’s attention. Retirement is MIA in SOTU
This is way deeper than I usually go, but it is good to know things like this, too, especially if you have your own business. Of course, in these deeper subjects, ask your advisors for help. How non-grantor trusts can help clients save big on state income taxes

A quick idea on leadership:
As it helps the body in creating pace with the needs of fast cialis tablets 20mg life, many males could suffer the problems of Erectile dysfunction. You need to use these herbal pills is one of the best herbal methods to cure weak viagra free pills ejaculation problem in men. It is pretty conclusive that those who indulged into such stop smoking hypnosis sessions had a greater chance of success than those using the nicotine replacement therapy on non-nicotine medications to reduce without symptoms Utilize nicotine support groups Try hypnosis, acupuncture or counseling using a generic cialis online cognitive behavioral technique. HGH hormones or human growth hormones are actually responsible for regulating many of your body’s reactions, which includes protein synthesis, muscle and nerve function, blood glucose control, and blood pressure rise and heart to work harder. viagra pfizer 25mg As is often the case, I have found something consistent with my own thinking on this, give your organization purpose. Don’t waste your time – focus on your purpose

Fascinating knowledge and conversation starters from around the web:
My personal favorite article of the week about how they have cracked the code on reading scrolls destroyed by Mt. Vesuvius in 79AD. Ancient Scrolls Blackened by Vesuvius Are Readable at Last
It always helps to put things in perspective. Yes, another science one, but who can resist these comparisons of scale across the universe? 26 Pictures Will Make You Re-Evaluate Your Entire Existence
This one is beautiful, and I bet you will never go there to see it. Here’s What Happens When a Super Clear Lake Freezes Over
These will mesmerize you … thanks to Fibonacci’s Sequence. 3D Printed Sculptures Look Alive When Spun Under a Strobe Light
At the risk of expending all my cool links at once, I really got a laugh out of some of these, I hope you do, too. I particularly liked number two, remember Braveheart? The 28 Most Ironic Things That Have Ever Happened

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